NEWS about our week...

Learning & growing together at SWC!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Each day at SWC is filled with learning, fun and individual student growth.

Daily schedule @ SWC:

9:00am - 9:15am Supervision and Bus Arrival
9:15am - 11:15am Instructional Time
11:15am First Indoor Nutrition Break
11:35am First Outdoor Recess
12:00pm - 2:00pm Instructional Time
2:00pm Second Indoor Nutrition Break
2:20pm Second Outdoor Recess
2:45pm - 3:45pm Instructional Time
3:45 pm Dismissal
3:55 pm Buses depart

Life-threatening Medical Conditions:

Should your son/daughter have a serious or life threatening medical condition that requires a plan of care, please ensure the office has the relevant information. Medical interventions such has inhalers, epi-pens, etc requires documentation (including doctor's signature on authorization forms) and medication provided to the office.

Communication with school is very important. Please ensure your child's teachers & the office are informed of your most recent contact numbers & preferred means of contact that works best for your family (phone calls, emails, etc). Should your phone #'s or email addresses change please let the office know as soon as possible at [email protected].

Students will only be permitted to leave school with an adult that has been placed on their file in the office. At any time you wish your contacts to change please do so in writing ([email protected]) or in person.

Image result for clock 9:15We continue to keep learning time uninterrupted as much as possible as this time is very precious for all our students.
Should your child require to leave early for an appointment/event it is appreciated if you contact your child's teachers & office to let them know. Picking them up at a natural break such as nutrition time ensures that learning is uninterrupted and your child has time to prepare to leave. 

Remember to drive slowly as you approach the school's Kiss & Ride area, driving up as close to the top of the drop of zone as possible, waiting for a teacher to support the children exiting the vehicle on the right hand side, waiting to pull away without having to back up. 

Safety is a team approach!  

Principal Mills-Boone, VP Cesario & SWC Staff

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