SWC Parent Council (Hybrid) Meeting Minutes
September 15, 2022
Hanif Jamal
Megan Skantelbery
2021/2022 Voting members:, Karen Roberts, Danielle Rodier, Margaret Sambol, Jay Shurgold, Allison Peacocke, Olga Blais,
Non-voting attendees: Tracy Cole, Elise Merrill, Jill McDougall and James Bent, Monika Petridis, Rachel Watterson, Kailey Ono, Hi Lee, Cara Baas, Mike Atherton and Amanda Lancaster, Sarah Patience Goge, Jody McDonnell, Gwaher Almosa, Andrew Lessard, Thao Hoang, Luthor Nguyen
Meeting called to order (Jay) 6:32
Minutes from June 2022
Motion to approve minutes from June 2022 meeting. Moved by Jay, seconded by Margaret. PASSED.
Principal’s Reports (Hanif and Megan):
See attached presentation: 2022.09_Principal and VP report.pdf
Treasurer’s Report (Allison)
Council FY runs September 1-August 31. Despite another pandemic year, we had $3000 come in through school cash online. A total of $5310 brought in last year. Parent involvement grant from last year remains to be spent ($1000). Pizza days have historically been our biggest fundraiser. To start this year we have $5600.
Fundraising activities 2022/23 (Jay)
First fundraiser could be held during meet the teacher September 22 (5-7pm) – pizza and drinks
Ideas for 2022/23:
During pandemic:
Looking forward:
Q: Can we provide an email to parents about fundraising options? A (Jay): Yes, great idea (ACTION ITEM)
Q: Can direct donations through school cash online be online: A (Hanif) - Should be able to get the system set up for October. ACTION ITEM: Margaret to follow-up
Meeting Adjourned: 8:01 pm