April 13, 2023






                       APRIL 13, 2023                           


Hanif Jamal





Megan Skentelbery 


Present Online

Executive members:                       .   

Chair: Jayson Shurgold





Vice-Chair: Karen Roberts





Treasurer: Allison Peacocke 



Secretary: André Lessard



Fundraising: Amy Dijkema






Social media: Danielle Rodier

Present Online

Voting Members: 





Monika Petridis

Present Online

Margaret Sambol

Present Online

James Bent

Present Online

Olga Blais






Jillian Ade





Present Online

Non-voting members :





Tracy Cole





Present Online

Jill MacDougall


Amanda Lancaster





Reference: Sir Winston Churchill Public School Council Constitution



Action by

I - 

Call to order   


The chair, Jayson, called the meeting to order at 1834 hrs.  


II- Quorum

Quorum was achieved with 10 executives and voting members present in person or online. 

III - Review of  




The previous minutes from February 2023 were reviewed. 


Motion to approve minutes from February 2023 meeting. Moved by Allison, seconded by Jayson. PASSED

IV – Outstanding Items/Old Business

  1. School Clothing/Swag. Discussion occurred later in the meeting.

  2. PRO Grant. Discussion did not occur due to Monika being late to the meeting. Secretary note: Monika sent an update online, as per secretary request. Council applied and was approved for $750 towards a special project: anti-indigenous racism. The intent is to work with Ottawa Aboriginal Coalition to have a Elder come visit SWC and provide a presentation. Monika is coordinating closely with Jayson and Hanif to execute the project, once she is connected to a possible speaker. Timeline for completion has to be before June 16th, 2023. 

Monika Petridis

V – Approval of Agenda

No changes to the agenda were noted. 

Motion to accept agenda. Moved by Karen, seconded by André. PASSED

VI - Standing  Items/Reports

  1. Report from the Chair.

  1. Volunteers required for Scholastic Book fair. There was a request for the fair to have a late opening until 5pm on at least one of the days. 

  2. Mulch day will be April 29th. There was a reminder that it was Playground grade mulch, and 10 yards would be the goal. Karen to take action to look to order it. 500$ was previously approved to be spent. Secretary note: A further $500 was approved via online vote on April 21st

  3. Movie night was too soon after council meeting, so it will be moved later. A new date for movie night #3 would need to be fixed. 

  4. End of the year will look for information from Amy. 



Karen Roberts

Jayson to follow up with Amy

  1. Report from the Treasurer. $2400 Mid April. Spent by May. Items for the classes should be via a purchase order. Margaret requested if the new librarian would want and like new books. Hanif stated that the librarian was given $2000 to help underrepresented material. Hanif also stated that another $1000 would be released for French resources. The book fair also produced $2500 that could go for more resources. There was also adopt a school grant that, if successful, would help even further with the library. Amanda stated that there should possibly be money allocated to certain longer term projects. 

  1. Report on Fundraising.

    1. Pizza Lunches. This term is going well. Volunteers are really helping. There are 406 slices being distributed this term versus 427 last term. A number of Online donations were actually late registration to pizza term. A special thank you to James Bent who showed up during the bad weather last Wednesday. A Toppers Fundraiser, where families of the school requested pizza, was never received by Council. From the inclement weather day, Pizza day left over was given to Food Bank. 

  1. Movie Night. Next Movie night will no longer occur in April, but will be rescheduled to May. Date TBD, based on school schedule. 

  1. Ongoing Funding Initiatives. Nil updates provided.  

VII – New Projects

  1. Multicultural Night. Tables and set up by the custodian was really appreciated. There was great energy and rave reviews from the group. Lessons learned: extra insurance was required for the night, and the board was never going to approve a multicultural night with food as the centre theme again. Be aware that the food option might be slightly better. Perhaps dance and event night might be different. Monika stated that in the past, better notification was given. Promos were sent out. Also in the past, traditionnal clothing wearing was good and well-received.  

  1. School Clothing/Swag. At the February meeting, André was to start an online discussion concerning the clothing. That has yet to occur.  Critical item to action if end of the year timeline wants to be met. 

  1. Coffee Fundraiser. Jayson asked if anyone was interested to champion a coffee fundraiser. It was noted that the council is simply out of capacity to take this on. 

  1. Freezee Days. There were questions about whether someone sold freeze last year and if it came from council as a fundraiser? Last year, council did give $150 dollars given to the school as donated freezee, but it was also noted that Grade 6 were handing them out for a fee.   

Item Open

André Lessard

Item Closed

VIII – Report from Principal, VP and Staff

See attached slide deck: 2023.04_Principal and VP report.pdf

  1. School Traffic changes. Hanif announced that the city will be restricting access to Walgate school from mulvagh Avenue. No left turn and no right turn will be allowed during one hour in the morning and one hour at the end of the school day. This change will be occurring soon. School is still waiting on crosswalks, at Meadowlands, Sharkay, and Mulvagh Avenue. Councillor Devine was credited with simply accepting the recommendations for limiting the turning onto Walgate Avenue. 

  2. New Staff were hired. Mme Douglas (EF23/A). Mme Dempsey was hired for Yellow/Red Kinder, while Mrs Brianna Durnin is on MATA leave.  

  3. Planning for September. Met in January for predictions of kids in September. Staffing numbers were received. Administration had some concerns about the numbers. Administration was also trying to line up with Board requirements. 

  4. Second Inclement weather day. Led to some traffic issues, including some frustration. We are hoping to keep our 2.5 EA. Discussion on dismissal times. Pre-COVID, dismissal time was. During COVID, staggered dismissal was implemented. Now, the board would like to return to a full 1545 Dismissal time. Having the kids dismissed from kinder yard and the other children from the Foyer. Indicated that groups are doing an extra duty. Board requirement that all grades be released at 1545. 

Question: What is the communication Plan was asked by Jayson? Question

Answer: Hanif answered that all children that can leave early can still happen, by having parents present themselves to the office.

Question: Parkwood hills access to the parking. When will this occur? Question 

Answer: likely before the next council. 

Question: Will the parking lot being available? Question

Answer: yes the lot would remain available to park, but the parents would have to walk. Also, the pathway would not be cleared.

  1. Centralized TimeTable Schedule. Hanif mentioned that we used to have 6 class using the small yard. Deconflicting would be key. Karen mentioned it will require adjustment by the parents as to where they show up. 

Question: Will the older kids be able to use the same exits as the younger kids, for those parents that have multiple children? Question

Answer: No. Older students need to use their own exit otherwise the routines become unmanageable. 

Question: Could the Meadowlands Parking be used? Question

Answer: looking to see if the buses could come from Meadowlands, to lessen the traffic. Parents are encouraged to park a block and walk in. 

  1. Megan Presentation. See associated presentation for updates from the school. 

Hanif Jamal

IX – Adjournment

The meeting was adjourned at 2000 hrs by Jayson.

Addendum – Summary of Planned activities

  1. Movie Night #3 – TBD in May

  2. Mulch Spring Date – April 29, 2023

  3. Council Meeting – May 11, 2023

  4. End of Year Fun Night – June 1, 2023

  5. Council meeting – June 8, 2023

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