January 5, 2023



JANUARY 12, 2023


Hanif Jamal Present Megan Skentelbery Present Online 

Executive members:

Chair: Jayson Shurgold Present Vice-Chair: Karen Roberts Present Treasurer: Allison Peacocke Present Secretary: André Lessard Present Fundraising: Amy Dijkema Absent/Regrets 

Social media: Danielle Rodier Absent/Regrets 

Voting Members: 

Monika Petridis Present Online Margaret Sambol Present Online James Bent Present Online Olga Blais Present Online Jillian Ade Present Online 

Non-voting members : 

Tracy Cole Present Online Jill MacDougall Present Amanda Lancaster Present 

Reference: Sir Winston Churchill Public School Council Constitution 





Action by

I - 

Call to order

The chair, Jayson, called the meeting to order at 1831 hrs.

II- Quorum 

Quorum was achieved with 9 executives and voting members present in person or online.

III - Review ofPrevious 


The previous minutes from December 2022 were reviewed. It was indicated that the link to the December Principal update was not working. Megan fixed it during the current meeting, sending out a new link. 

Motion to approve minutes from December 2022 meeting. Moved by Allison, seconded by Jayson. PASSED

IV – 

Outstanding Items/Old 


1. Email to Constitution working Group. Jayson was to send out a planning email to those who had volunteered to review the council constitution. Jayson sent out the email during the ongoing meeting.

Item Closed

V – Approval of Agenda

Amanda requested that a discussion on Multicultural night, to solidify a date, be added. 

Motion to accept agenda, with this added change. Moved by Karen, seconded by Allison. PASSED

VI - Standing Items/Reports

1. Report from the Chair. 

a. Pizza Signup. In order to ensure all students have had achance to partake in pizza for the second term, the signup period was extended. 

b. Communications. Going forward, emails sent out by the SWC parent council shall continue to be in English, but will contain sentences in French and Arabic, with links to the translated text of the English 


2. Report from the Treasurer. Very little spending has occurred so far this year. Approximately $1000 has been received by direct donations. RAZ kids license has been purchased but has yet to be paid. $1800 is being kept aside tocover this cost. Numbers in the financial statements are up to



date until end of December, yet the signup period for pizza isstill ongoing, leading to a little extra money perhaps coming in.

3. Report on Fundraising. 

a. Pizza Lunches. Karen reported that pizza lunches are going well. A gluten free option was added, and halal beef was replaced by turkey peperoni. Donation of 42 slices were received for families requiring the option of a free or discounted slice. So far, only 9 requests for this option had been received. The office made an announcement on this subject and engaged with the teachers to discuss these options with parents who they feel may benefit. The goal is to normalize this option of free slices and therefore, it is possible demand may increase. The principal received gratitude for the free slices from a parent and passed on their thanks to council. Planification for the spring term, including registration, will likely occur quickly. The schedule for the terms is being done. Q: Could the form for 

discounted or free slices be left open throughout the year. A: Co-Chair stated yes it could. Q: Could the extra donations be recycled to help the snack program? A: The principal stated the Snack program is running well and does not need added donations. Bins have been bought for the program and the snack program usage has increased. A suggestion was proposed to wait until the end of the term and possibly use the donations to continue the free slices next term. 

Motion to keep surplus donated slices until the end of the current term. PASSED. 

b. Movie Night. Jayson stated next movie night shall haveimprovements of sound, popcorn and cotton candy. Parents zones shall also be set up. Discussion on 

replenishing supplies occurred and a motion proposed. 

Motion to approve up to $1000 discretionary fund to replenish snacks and purchase pizza. This fund to be used in accordance with direction of the fundraising executive member, who will

Amy Dijkema



ask other members to coordinate the purchase of items as required. PASSED 

c. Setting up FlipGive Account. Allison has volunteered to spearhead the effort to renew this initiative. She will reach out to previous council members who were doing this effort previously.

Allison Peacock

VII – New 


1. Multicultural Night. A night had to be picked. Discussion led it to be pencilled in for Thursday February 23rd. Amandais leading this event. Hanif to follow up with staff to see if they wish to lead in lieu. 

2. Popcorn. Jayson mentioned that there is still a plan to have popcorn as a possible fundraiser for either Valentines Day or after March break. 

3. School Clothing/Swag. Discussion concerning school clothing occurred, with a few questions posed to the principal. Due to time, this item was deferred until the February meeting. André to be the OPI and Hanif to check with staff to ensure none are already organising a similar initiative.

Amanda Lancaster Hanif Jamal 



Item Deferred André Lessard Hanif Jamal

VIII – Report from 

Principal, VP and Staff

See attached slide deck: 2023.01_Principal and VP report.pdf 

1. Lockdown Drills. 2x Drills with the first should occur January 17th. Lockdown consist of doors being locked all the time. The lockdown is in case of an intruder being within the school. Teachers and students should shelter in the safest spot within a room. First practice shall be announced, the second drill will not be. 

2. Assemblies. January character education assembly shall be on cooperation. There are 10 themes in total for these assemblies. Only parents of students receiving certificates are invited to be present. 

3. Student Advisory Transportation Committee. Meeting January 24 to assess what will be needed in morning and afternoon for traffic around the school. Email Hanif if you’reinterested in more information or participating. A parent is

Amanda Lancaster Hanif Jamal



requested to attend. Amanda has tentatively stated she would attend if no other volunteers were found. Two other names were given to Hanif, who shall reach out to see if they are interested in participating. 

4. Staff Requests to Council. The first of three request was presented by the principal, which was to fund a bus for grades 4 and 5 to go on Field Trips, at an estimated cost of $400. Due to discussion surrounding this first request and timing, the other two requests were deferred until the February meeting, along with the approval voting for these requests. Chair to work with Hanif to prepare staff requests and distribute to voting members in advance of next meeting.

Motion to approve up to $1000 discretionary fund for the principal/VP to sponsor students of families unable to pay for their participation on field trips. Motion moved by Allison, seconded by Jayson. PASSED

Item Deferred 

Hanif Jamal 

Jayson Shurgold

IX – 


The meeting was adjourned at 2002 hrs by Jayson.

Addendum – Summary of Planned 


1. Movie Night #2 - Friday January 27, 2023 

2. Council Meeting – February 9, 2023 

3. Multicultural Night – February 23. 2023 

4. Council Meeting – April 13, 2023 

5. Movie Night #3 – April 21, 2023 

6. Mulch Spring Date – April 29, 2023 

7. Council Meeting – May 11, 2023 

8. End of Year Fun Night – June 1, 2023 

9. Council meeting – June 8, 2023


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