October 13, 2022

SWC Parent Council (Hybrid) Meeting Minutes

October 13, 2022


Hanif Jamal

Megan Skantelbery

Attendees: Jay Shurgold, Karen Roberts, Danielle Rodier, Margaret Sambol, Allison Peacocke, Olga Blais,Tracy Cole, Elise Merrill, Jill McDougall and James Bent, Monika Petridis, Cara Baas, Amanda Lancaster, Natasha Montemurro, Adam Martin, Felicia Lam, Jason Hinek, Leina, Amy D, Sumiya, Andre, Sima

Meeting called to order (Jay) 6:40

Minutes from September 2022  

Motion to approve minutes from September 2022 meeting. Moved by Margaret, seconded by Jay. PASSED.

Approval of Agenda

Motion to accept agenda as revised. Moved by Amanda, seconded by Allison. PASSED

Principal’s Reports (Hanif and Megan):

See attached slide deck: 2022.10_Principal and VP report.pdf

Very difficult re-org is in the works. The loss of one teacher compounded challenges associated with needing to cut a homeroom. Timetabling specialists at the board were engaged. Special permission was received for a creative solution. A lot of teachers made significant contributions to the process. One class is collapsing with 22 kids affected who will move to different classes.  About 40 kids overall will be impacted significantly (i.e. new class/new teacher).  The 40 families most impacted will be contacted by phone about the changes. Those impacted on account of class configuration changes will receive a letter. Once calls have been made, a letter will go out to all letting people know that all changes have been made.

Parkwood Hills PS: Since COVID SWC has been using Parkwood Hills school yard.  The board approached SWC to remove privileges to the yard due to maintenance requirements. After some discussions, SWC has been granted a 1-year reprieve and will have continued access this year. The board has offered to provide funds to help improve SWC yard to provide better kinder spaces for next year. Loss of the yard also means loss of the parking lots at Parkwood Hills.

Treasurer’s Report (Allison)

Raised $711 from meet the teacher. Awaiting some additional funds being added to our accounts due to unspent funds last year and some fundraising proceeds. We should have just over $5500.


Voting Members (up to 25): James Bent, Allison, Karen, Amy D, Monika, Margaret, Andre, Jillian Ade-Sibbit, Jayson, Danielle 

Motion to acclaim this slate of candidates Moved by Margaret. Seconded by Jill. PASSED.  

Chair:  Jayson        

Vice Chair: Karen

Treasurer: Allison

Secretary: Karen/Danielle 

Website Co-ordinator/Social Media: Amanda, Danielle

Fundraising chair: Amy D

Motion to acclaim this slate of candidates moved by Margaret. Seconded by Allison. PASSED.  

Note: Monika and Tracy indicated willingness to support fundraising chair

Fundraising activities 2022/23 (Jay)

School pizza program (Karen): Toppers confirmed to provide pizza for lunches on Wednesdays starting November 2.  However, volunteers are necessary before we can proceed. The volunteer commitment would be approximately 1 hour (from 11 am til noon).  The hope is we can get a number of volunteers so that each person would only need to help out once/month.   

  • Names of volunteers collected.

Topics for discussion

  • Pumpkin walk proposed:

    • VERY shortly after Halloween everyone brings pumpkins to SWC and can walk the pathway.  Pumpkins can be given to farmers to feed the goats! 

    • Consideration will need to be given to what night based on renters at the school.

Meeting Adjourned: 8:00 pm

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